Most of the people think that yoga calms the mind, but there is more than you think. If it is done by dedication and discipline it not only helps you keep balancing mentally but it also helps you to stay in shape. Yoga helps you lose weight , helps you to stay fit physically. It is true that in comparison to high intensity workout, yoga burns lesser calories but some of the yoga flow, when done at a moderate to high speed, can make you sweat like no other workout.
Along with weight loss, yoga helps you to reduce stress which is the major problem for weight gain.
Triangle pose - Trikonasana
Trikonasana |
To perform this asana, stand straight with your feet wide apart and hand straight parallel to the ground. Now bend your right side and try to touch your right foot with your right hand and try to stay in this position as much as you can or 10 -15 sec. Repeat this with the other side too.
This asana helps to improve digestion and helps to reduce belly fat.
2. Boat pose - Naukasana
To perform this asana, lie straight on your back on the floor with your hand by your side. Now lift your upper body and legs and keep your hands straight, parallel to the ground. Keep your body forms a V shape. Now stay in this position about 10 - 15 sec.
3. Bow pose - Dhanurasana
To perform this asana, lie flat on your stomach on the ground. Now slowly lift your upper body like you do in bhujangasana( Cobra Pose ) and gradually lift your legs too. Now try to hold your legs with your hands and stay in that position as much as you can or about to 10-20 sec.
4. Bridge pose - Setu bandhasana
To perform this asana ,lie flat on your back on the ground. Fold your knee and
keep your feet flat on the ground. Lift your tailbone up such that your
hips and lower back are off the mat. Now place your hand under your hips. Use
your thigh muscle (hamstring) and abdomen to hold your bottom and back up. Now
slowly lower your tailbone back down. Relax and repeat this.
5. Upward Dog pose - Urdhva mukha svanasana
To perform this asana, lie straight on your stomach on the ground with hands extended forward and palms facing down. Now place your hands right below your shoulders, lift your upper body and look up. Your lower abdomen and thigh should be straight on the floor.
6. Chair Pose - Utkatasana
To perform this asana stand straight with your feet joined together and hands by your side. Now raise your arms above your head such that your palms face each other and now bend slowly from your knees, exactly like you do in a squat position. Your thigh should be parallel to the ground. Stay in the position for 10- 12 sec.7. Plank pose - Phalakasana
To perform this asana start by lying straight on your stomach. Now slowly lift your body from the mat by using the pressure of your hand. Your body should form a straight line from upper body(head) to lower body(heel). Your wrist should be on the mat and your shoulders should be right above your wrist. The position will look similar to a push-up position. Hold on the position for a few seconds by keeping your abdominal engaged and then slowly relax.
8. Shoulder stand - Sarvangasana
To perform this asana , lie straight on your back. Now lift your leg slowly upward and bring it at 90 degree. Bring the legs towards your head by raising your buttocks up. Try to keep your leg, abdomen and chest in straight line.Place your palm on your back for support and chin against chest. Try to stay in this position as much as you can or about to 30 sec. now slowly return back.
9. Twisted chair pose - Parivrtta Utkatasana
To perform this asna, Begin in a chair pose with knees together and weight mostly in your heels. Bring your hands together at the center of your chest. Inhale to lengthen your spine. Exhale to hinge forward then twist to your right, hook your left elbow outside your right thigh. Now press your palms together and keep your knees together. Lower your hips an extra inch. Hold for 4 - 5 breaths before releasing. Return to the chair and repeat on the other side.
10. Child pose - Balasana
To perform this asana start by sitting on the floor in vajrasana (thunderbolt pose). Now slowly lower your head down on the mat by resting your belly on the thigh. Now stretch your head towards , with your palms touching the front of the mat, right in front of your head. Hold this position for 10- 20 sec.
There are several other yoga that are very important for weight loss such as paschimottanasana, virbhadrasana, uttanpadasana, Ardha chandrasana, half moon pose etc. Yoga is considered an appropriate intervention for weight loss and to prevent obesity.
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