BHUJANGASANA is known as cobra pose. Bhujanagasana is the sanskrit name of the cobra pose in which "bhujanaga means the snake and asana means pose. That's why this pose is known as cobra pose. The final position resembles to the cobra with its head raised. It is the seven pose of the twelve pose in suryanamaskar. COBRA pose benefits the complete digestive system. It is am excellent pose to strengthening to the spine. HOW TO DO BHUJANGASANA? H ere are step by step procedure to do bhujangasana..... Start by lying flat on your stomach keeping your leg straight and feet together,heels touching each other and toes pointing. Rest your forehead on the floor Place your palms of your hand side to your chest ,your arms must be close to your body and elbows pointing outwards. Inhale and raise your hand ,shoulder then chest and abdomen by using your back muscles. Now use the strength of your arms to raise your trunk and look upward bre...
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